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Retirement Planning

We provide tailored advice and support on retirement solutions for our internationally mobile client base. Plan your secured financial future today, so you can have the retirement lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

What Is Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning is the process of setting financial goals and creating a strategy to achieve those goals for your retirement years. 

Your MHG Wealth advisor will assess your current financial situation, estimate your future needs and then implement a plan accordingly to ensure you have enough savings and investments to maintain your desired lifestyle even after you retire.

Retirement Planning at MHG Wealth
Retirement 2

Why You Might Need Help With Retirement Planning

While retirement planning may seem straightforward, it can be complex and overwhelming. There are various factors to consider such as changing economic conditions, market volatility, tax implications and longevity risk. 

Seeking professional help from your MHG Wealth advisor can provide you with expert guidance, personalised advice and access to sophisticated financial tools to navigate these complexities and optimise your savings through your retirement planning strategy.

For example, it is important to reduce the risk of retirement investments as you approach retirement age to ensure market movements do not have a large impact on your retirement value.

What Are The Best Options For Retirement Planning?

Retirement plans vary widely globally, reflecting different economic conditions, cultural expectations, and government policies. At MHG Wealth, we understand the diverse landscape of retirement plans across the world. We recognise how different systems aim to provide financial security for retirees, tailored to their respective socio-economic contexts.

The best options for retirement planning depend on your individual circumstances, risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. Listed below are some of the most popular retirement plans globally:

Defined Benefit Plans – Final Salary Schemes

These plans provide retirees with a predetermined monthly benefit, usually based on factors like salary history and years of service. The employer bears the investment risk and is responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient funds to pay the promised benefits.

Defined Contribution Plans

These plans involve contributions from both employees and often employers into individual accounts. The final benefit depends on the amount contributed and the performance of the investments. The employee bears the investment risk.

Public Pension Systems

Government-managed retirement programs funded through payroll taxes. Benefits are usually based on an individual’s earnings history and length of contributions. These systems provide a basic level of retirement income to all eligible retirees.

Personal Retirement Savings Plans

Individuals contribute to their own retirement savings, often with tax incentives. They have control over investment choices, and the final benefit depends on the investment performance. Examples include IRAs in the United States and personal pensions in the UK.

Hybrid Plans

These plans combine elements of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans. They aim to share the investment risk between employers and employees, often providing a more balanced approach to retirement savings.

Occupational Pension Plans

Employer-sponsored plans that provide retirement benefits based on career earnings and length of service. Participation is often mandatory. These plans can be defined benefit, defined contribution, or a hybrid.

National Provident Funds

Mandatory savings schemes where both employers and employees contribute to a government-managed fund. Benefits are paid out upon retirement, disability, or death. Examples include the Central Provident Fund (CPF) in Singapore and the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) in Malaysia.

Social Security Systems

Government programs that provide retirement, disability, and survivor benefits, funded through payroll taxes. Benefits are typically based on lifetime earnings and contributions. National insurance and the state pension in the UK is a prime example.

Ready to speak with a specialist?

Why Is It Important To Plan For Retirement?

Planning for retirement is crucial for several reasons. Listed here are the top four reasons for you to consider seeking professional advice for retirement planning.


Maintaining Financial Security

Without adequate savings, you may struggle to cover living expenses, healthcare costs, and other necessities in retirement.


Preserving Lifestyle

Proper planning allows you to maintain your desired standard of living and pursue your retirement goals, such as travel or hobbies.


Managing Risks

Planning helps mitigate risks such as inflation, market downturns, longevity, and unexpected expenses.


Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have a solid retirement plan in place can reduce stress and anxiety about your financial future.

How To Plan For Retirement

Planning for retirement involves making some strategic financial decisions to ensure a comfortable and secure future. Your MHG Wealth advisor can guide you through the details. Meanwhile, here is a 5-step plan for you to follow for a golden retirement. 

Set Clear Goals

Determine your retirement lifestyle, desired age of retirement, and estimated expenses.

Assess Your Financial Situation

Calculate your current assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.

Create a Retirement Income Strategy

Develop a plan to generate income in retirement from sources such as pensions, savings, investments, and Social Security.

Invest Wisely

Build a diversified investment portfolio aligned with your risk tolerance and retirement timeline, whilst also accounting for inflation.

Regularly Review and Adjust

Monitor your progress, reassess your goals, and make necessary adjustments to your retirement plan over time.

By following these steps and working with your trusted MHG Wealth advisor, you can feel confident about your retirement readiness and enjoy a financially secure future. Learn more about investing in retirement in our helpful guide or get in touch with one of our retirement planning advisors today.

Get in touch with us

Begin your journey to a secure financial future by reaching out to MHG Wealth today.

Frequently Asked Questions

The amount you should save for retirement depends on various factors such as your current age, desired retirement age, lifestyle expectations and anticipated expenses in retirement. A common rule of thumb is saving 10% – 15% of your income. At MHG Wealth, we provide personalised advice that help optimise your retirement savings strategy.

The ideal retirement age varies for each individual and depends on factors like financial readiness, health, and personal goals. You may aim for traditional retirement ages in your country, or pursue early retirement or phased retirement approaches.

Pensions are schemes set up by employers or individuals that provide income in retirement, usually based on salary and years of service. Retirement plans like personal pensions or SIPPs (Self-Invested Personal Pensions) are individual savings accounts where you contribute money, often with tax advantages, to build a retirement fund managed by yourself or a pension provider.

Early retirement planning involves preparing financially and strategically to retire before the traditional retirement age. At MHG Wealth, we carefully consider factors like income sources, healthcare costs, and lifestyle adjustments to ensure a secure and fulfilling early retirement experience for you.

Yes, inflation affects retirement planning by reducing the purchasing power of your savings over time, potentially requiring you to save more to maintain your desired standard of living. At MHG Wealth, we believe it’s crucial to incorporate inflation into your retirement strategy to ensure your savings grow adequately to meet future expenses. 

The UAE does not have a mandatory national pension system like the UK and other countries. Meaning as an expat, you have to take responsibility over your own retirement. There are however a number of different pension schemes including end of service gratuity and the Golden Pension Scheme available. Learn more about the UAE pension scheme for expats in our helpful guide.